Monday, December 24, 2007


Generally we all have habit of making vow to GOD when we are in problems,forget about the vow after the problem is solved. SHRI VENKATESWARA SWAMY is so determined that we should fulfill the vow once made and if we forgot also he make us remember and fulfil it,we are all aware of this.Even SAINATHA is also like SHRI VENKATESWARA SWAMY so determined to fulfil his vows.He said " If you ask me to help I will help you in all possible ways.Then why you make vows? Did I ever ask to make a vow?.If you ask me and wait with patience I ll help and solve your problems.But if you make a vow and not fulfil it means you did a fault and it will give punishment to you later". But SAINATHA never allowed his devotees to get punished, somehow he makes them fulfil their vows to him and save them without having sins in their lives. Here a small incident is narrated as a example

SHRI KULKARNI is a SAINATHA devotee but he never saw him directly and worshipped him.Daily he used to worship photo of SAINATHA given by BABASAHEBBATE.One day on office work he went to "BHAVANDI".After he left a saint came to his house.His wife asked " Are you SHIRDI SAI BABA?" but, saint said " No. I m the one who helps LORD and asked for dakshina".She gave 1rs.saint gave her vibuthi blessed her and left.
 Meanwhile while KULKARNI is in BHAVANDI his horse felt sick so he returned home.He came to know what happened and said " If i were in the house I will give 10rs".He searched for the saint but he didn't find.In the evening he went to a paint exhibition with his friend.In the exhibition, one saint came near him and asked dakshina.He gave 1rs.Saint looked and said " This is not enough for me".So he gave 2rs,Than also saint asked him then he took 3rs from his friend and gave him,saint told it was not enough.So he invited him to his house and gave 3rs more.Than also saint was not satisfied and asked him more than KULKARNI said " BABA I have 10 rs note with me". Than saint said " Give me the 10 rs". Took the 10 rs gave 9 rs and said "You thought to give 10 rs know.It is fulfilled" and went away.

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