Shiridi is a underdeveloped village in those days. In the year 1854, one day a sixteen years old boy suddenly appeared doing meditation under a neem tree. Being a boy he is calm, he never mingled up with the people, got accustomed to heat and cold and always be alone at night bravely. people used to ask about his name and other details but he never answered.
In shiridi there is a Shiva Temple. Sometimes priest in the temple use to show hysteria. once when he got agitation as usual, people questioned about the boy? Then he made them dug one place, there is a bunker in which there are four deepams and rudraksha etc are there. " priest said that boy has meditated here since 12yrs" people are surprised to hear that, because he is 16 yrs boy and he was practicing meditation since 12yrs means he started meditation at the age of 4yrs!!!. how can he learn meditation at that age is the peoples question?? To speak truth there is noting to get surprised. The masters who are born with purpose and for them yoga and meditation is easy. for example what is the age of DHRUV who meditated severely on the lap of SHRI MAHA VISHNU?? and the age of PRAHALADHA who beared the punishments of his father and never stopped praying to SHRI MAHA VISHNU In such situation its based on their karma and there is no relation with age. when people questioned him again he said his guru samadhi is there and people closed the dunker. people used to pray the gurusamadhi. after few days the boy left the place and no one knows where he went. Time has passed.....
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