Sunday, January 20, 2008


                      FOURTH DAY PARYANAM



  On every Sunday a fair is  held at SHIRIDI. Since many people visit from various surrounding places, they also come to Masjid for SAI NATHA darshan and it looks so lively with so many devotees in day HEMAD PANTH was soothing BABA feet , meanwhile SHYAM said " HEMAD PANTH ! why there are bengal gram on your shirt" then he checked and so many fell down then he was surprised and checked with left side hand also then some more fell down, everyone laughed by picking the grams and started eating.BABA said " HEMAD  PANTH has a bad habit of eating alone without offering to others and these grams exhibit his bad habit". HEMAD PANTH felt bad for BABA words and said " i will offer food to everyone who are with me and than only eat. i m sure you know this? then BABA replied " its true. if anyone is there with you, you ll offer but when nobody is present what will you do? you always believe that i ll be present with you only then why you never remember me while eating? otherwise will you eat without offering to me?" to that HEMAD PANTH stammered to reply and people laughed again. actually there is nothing to laugh here BABA gave this message to everyone. 

 In this world everyone are busy with their worries and problems in their life, its hard to have peace of mind for few minutes also.we do not get time to worship GOD. so whenever we get little time and  if we don't chant mantras or worship, it means we are unlucky. so if you get a time try to worship GOD or SADDGURU. the one who want to overcome all the worldly pleasures will never eat without offering food to others, if nobody is there also pray GOD before you eat. In BHAGVAD GITA SLOKA also it is written that praying before you eat is a good habit and all our sins will be removed. if we eat for ourselves means we  get sin in our lives, so we should have a habit of sharing and praying before we eat and to bring awareness regarding this BABA gave message to HEMAD PANTH in a unique way. regarding this one more story is given below. 

                                                KRISHNA - KUCHELA
SHRI KRISHNA and KUCHELA were students in SANDIPANI ashram. one day their GURU gave some rice flakes to him and told him take SHRI KRISHNA along with him and bring some sticks and you both share the rice flakes. after some time they reached forest, KRISHNA was tired and asked KUCHELA to give water but KUCHELA said " you should not drink water without eating anything in the morning" but he didn't tell about the rice flakes. after a while SHRI KRISHNA acted as he slept then KUCHELA took this chance and started eating. SHRI KRISHNA asked his friend " what are you eating ?" then KUCHELA stammered and lied him saying " what is there to eat nothing. i m biting my teeth due to severe cold, may be that noise is heard like eating something". KUCHELA didn't know that SHRI KRISHNA knows everything and he suffered from severe poverty because he did not share food with him, he himself got all the difficulties for such mistake. when he offered the rice flakes share of SHRI KRISHNA  he is blessed with a new always share food with others.

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