Saturday, January 5, 2008


In NASHIK district VANI city is popular with SAPTASHRUNGI DEVI Mandir.KAKAJI was the Poojari in that temple.He faced so many problems and has no peace in his life,at that SAPTASHRUNGI DEVI came in his dream and said " visit SHIRIDI, worship SHRI SAI NATHA. Your problems will be solved" He doesn't know about SHIRIDI so he started thinking how to visit SHIRIDI and pray SHRI SAI NATHA.

In SHIRIDI one strange incident occurred. SAI NATHA beloved devotee SHYAM is also a devotee of SAPTASHRUNGI DEVI and his forefathers used to worship her.When SHYAM was in childhood he got severe fever then his mother made vow to SAPTASHRUNGI Devi that if the fever is cured I ll bring my son to you and place near your feet.later she forgot. Again she got a skin disease then she made a vow to her again to offer silver plates to her but that vow is also not fulfilled. She told SHYAM to fulfill both the vows and died. Time passed and SHYAM purchased both silver plates,went near SAI NATHA and said " BABA your only my GOD accept my offering and fulfill my vows" BABA didn't accept and told him to visit VANI.

KAKAJI was in VANI trying hard to visit SHIRIDI so to bring the devotee from there to SHIRIDI he sent SHYAM purposefully to VANI to fulfill his vows of SAPTASHRUNGI Devi. So strange.In VANI SAPTASHRUNGI DEVI told his devotee and her Poojari only to visit SHIRIDI  and here SAI NATHA sent his beloved devotee to VANI. with this story we can justify the line everything happens for a reason and these are miracles of GOD.

KAKAJI was with full of questions How to visit SHIRIDI? Where is SHIRIDI? At that time SHYAM went there, he came to know that he is from SHIRIDI and felt happy.He shared the dream and both of them talked about SAI NATHA miracles. SHYAM fulfilled his vows and both went to SHIRIDI.He worshiped and prayed BABA,stayed there for 12 days and attained peace of mind. He took the blessings,vibuthi and prasadam and returned VANI.

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