Thursday, June 5, 2008


In KOPARGAV  a devotee MIRIKAR went to some place and on return he went to Masjid for darshan then BABA said " do you know tall BABA ? means snake " he showed the snake with the help of his both hands " it is dangerous but, how can it harm my devotees? when i am there what harm will that snake do?"no one understood the words of BABA. later with permission of BABA MIRIKAR took SHYAM to the village. when  they reached they halted at ANJANEYA SWAMY TEMPLE to take rest , then MIRIKAR was reading newspaper then snake was on his lap and he didn't notice but one person heard the hiss sound and shouted " snake snake " . MIRIKAR was frightened. every one came with sticks but snake came down without doing any harm , later it was killed. BABA knows the danger before so he cautioned them with the words and sent SHYAM along with him. MIRIKAR prayed to BABA with more devotion 

One day in Masjid BAVU SAHEB BUTTI was so worried because one astrologer told him ,
" you may die".but he came as usually and took darshan then BABA consoled him and said " why do you worry and fear when i am there to protect you i will see how death will come to you?". That evening when BUTTI went somewhere and he saw a snake. servant tried to kill her with help of stone but BUTTI sent him to bring a long stick. before he bought the stick snake didn't do any harm and went away. BUTTI remembered BABA words and felt happy and prayed with more devotion.

One midnight in Masjid BABA was accompanied with AMIR SAKKAR to sleep. while he was sleeping, BABA shouted in sleep " oye AMIR some snake is coming near to harm me look come and save me " then AMIR went near BABA but he didn't see anything and he thought may be it was a bad dream of BABA and returned to his place to sleep then he saw a snake in the lantern light and shouted . people gathered and snake went away but BABA was still in sleep. BABA cautioned AMIR while in sleep only by shouting , otherwise AMIR would be harmed by the snake. so BABA safe guards his devotees in his sleep also.

I wish everyone faith will be doubled after reading such stories.

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