BABA enlightened and cleared the devotees confusion on divinity in various ways, varies according to the person and situation. some times he used to preach directly , sometimes he used to tell indirectly with help of others, some devotees are helped with religious books or paryanam,some devotees questions are answered in their dreams and some used to experience it and learn. Here a story is shared,
One day rich man who is a miser came to Masjid and asked BABA " Enlighten me with divine knowledge of Brahma ". then BABA with pleasure said " So many devotees came to my Masjid and prayed to remove their different problems based on financial , health, employment, diseases etc. no one ever asked like you to give divine knowledge and with so much interest. definitely I ll give you, he asked one boy to bring 5 rs from a person but boy returned with empty hands likewise he sent the boy to 5 places to borrow 5 rs and every time boy returned with empty hands. Seeing all this man, impatiently said " BABA quickly tell me otherwise i have to pay more money to the horse cart for extra time." then words by BABA are
"Oh my friend everything i did till now is to show you about divinity. I sent the boy to 5 places to borrow 5 rs and you didn't offer 5 rs thought you are having 25 rs with you." then man checked his purse and he has 25 rs with him and he regretted, asked to forgive and give the blessing. then BABA said " forget all the desires you have. whoever are attached to the worldly pleasures like money and to the relations like wife and children , who are arrogant and over confident and always worries about worldly pleasures and emotions can never understand the words of SADDGURU. To get the divine knowledge we should have ability to forget everything and leave all the worldly pleasures, relations, emotion etc then only he can reach GOD. Those who want to reach DIVINE LORD they should have 4 qualities they are
1. one who always speaks truth 2. meditation 3. single without any relations 4. self observation. without these one cannot reach the LORD."
" In this world we have two things. one is good for us and we get happiness with other thing. first one belongs to lord and second one belongs to worldly pleasures. clever people go with good things and remaining opt the second one. whoever fulfills his responsibility his mind would get peace than he can analyze what is important and permanent then only he can reach the LORD. we cant get divine knowledge by ourselves we nee SADDGURU and blessings of LORD. when we leave these 1. life 2. worldly pleasures 3.desires 4. arrogance 5. intelligence unless we leave the above qualities we cant get divine knowledge. whatever is sufficient for us we should take and that leads to satisfaction, then we can get remaining all abilities to gain divinity and reach LORD."
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